Architecture LGBT+ is a not for profit grassroots organisation run by volunteers. We aim to provide a safe, inclusive & prejudice free environment for LGBT+ Architects and those working and studying within the profession through networking events, learning, mentoring and role models.

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Homophobia and transphobia are rife in the Architecture and Construction industry. The 2017 AJ annual LGBT+ survey reported that 39% of architects had heard homophobic or transphobic slurs used as insults in the workplace in the past year, and that 48% of gay and transgender architects are discouraged by the scarcity of openly out gay colleagues. Three quarters of respondents would like to see more support for gender and sexual minority employees, including recognition of the issues affecting them, from within the profession. Finally, only 73% of LGBT+ Architects are out at work.

The problems faced by LGBT+ people within the Architecture and Construction industry are pervasive, and range from abusive and discriminatory comments from colleagues and clients to structural issues such as limitations in employment contracts, which fail to provide legal protection for specific issues experienced by LGBT+ staff. An overwhelming lack of visibility within many companies encourages a culture of closeting and silence, rendering many LGBT+ employees unable to bring their full selves to work each day, and a lack of mentoring while in education or apprenticeships leaves many new members of the profession ill-equipped to handle difficult workplace scenarios.


Since its inception in 2016, Architecture LGBT+ has run a wide platform of events such as seminars, networking events, and panel discussions, amongst others, and collaborated with a variety of speakers, writers, activists, agitators, and performers.

Its most notable event has been the annual Pride Float competition, which was launched in 2018 and runs in collaboration with a number of Pride events across the UK. The organisation currently comprises thirteen members across a variety of roles and has organising centres in London, Manchester, Scotland, and the North East.

We’re always looking to get more voices around the table so if you would like to get involved, please contact us here


London Committee


London Champions

Manchester Team

North East Team

South West Team

Lead Academic Advisor